Since I've gotten behind on the diary entries, I'm going to list the rest of May 1911. Maybe reading them at once will give the reader a better idea of life in 1911 Chicago for a young woman attending - and preparing to graduate from - the Chicago Musical College.
You may notice that daily life is full of practicing and comments on her teachers - Sebald and Brune- as well as mention of the head of the school, Dr. Ziegfeld (father of the famous Flo). Women were starting to get more freedoms. Rita mentions when her landlady goes to town without her husband - Rita doesn't wait forever when her date doesn't come on time... but she doesn't dare go to her teacher's house without a chaperone. Below is a picture of the street today where her teacher lived in 1911. Wonder how different it was then?
Also, one activity Rita mentions is playing a game of "baseball." Baseball was big in Chicago in 1911. Both the Cubs and the White Sox had won the World Series and Wildfire Schulte on the Cubs had his best year in 1911 (see card below).
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Oakenwald today |
Rita's Entries:
May 6, 1911
Much practice. Went to Evanston. Fran and I walked and talked about 2 hours. After dinner talk and music - walk. Six of us in search of adventure. Did we get it? Not much. Theobald's twice.
May 7, 1911
Eight of us went to church. Good music. After dinner, six of us tried to get boats. Sturig - walked and took pictures. Grand day. Almost too hot. Theobald's again. Home. Wrote letters. F. Z. phoned while I was gone. Not important. [added in pencil] He did NOT call. Fran Y. is a ________!
May 8, 1911
Another long lesson. No wonder. I'm so stupid I'm hopeless. Saw R. Earle, book-keeper and Dr. Ziegfeld. Tried to make me believe I'm not in teacher's class. Rot! Dr. Z. is all bluff. Practice - sorry. Talk with Mrs. S.
May 9, 1911
Another bum day. Poor practice. Letter from Dad - weepy. Fran and Lu came. Mary came. Dandy visit. Marshmallows 5cent baseball. "League game." Johnson rescued ball from his yard. Strange he is so bashful. Who'd a thunk it? Mary here until rather late.
May 10, 1911
Practice all a.m. Harmony all p.m. Too hot and stuffy to live! After dinner Fran and I got Sylvia and went walking. Wrote to Cleo for the two of us. I'm to write letter and stories. Fran to illustrate... New career!
May 11,1911
Harmony at 10. Mr. Brune is a circus. Read us exam questions. Met Fran. Had lunch. Watched Mr. Grau draw Lu. He is a nice man. Lesson at 1. Fran S. has left for Europe. Mr. Melzakowsky knows me!! Good lesson. Fine techniques. After next year, I can go where I will! Indeed!
May 12, 1911
Mrs. S. and I went to Sebald's home at 10. Oakenwald Ave. No collar, Prince Albert cigarette! I played pretty badly so he played for us. His own composition - 18 years "think" too difficult for anyone else. Perfectly wonderful. Also played part of the Paganini Caprices. Showed us interesting photos, etc. Practiced later.
May 13, 1911
Practice awhile. Went for last matinee "The Schoolmistress" Dandy. Orchestra did itself proud. Home about 3. Lunch on kitchen table. Fran not home from Evanston till after dinner. Mr. and Mrs. S. disagreed. She went to Clark alone. All of us on a tear - lots of fun!
May 14, 1911
Tin and I went to S.S. and church. Mother's Day. Too bad we hadn't sense enough to wear flowers. Everyone lovely to us as usual. Sermon great. Fran and I tried to sleep. Walked to park. Rode home - almost 7. Finished letter home and wee too it over to Clark. "All Alone."??!? Not game. Sat on porch.
May 15, 1911
Lesson at 9:30. Missed "two-coach" Wow! Good lesson - had exercises. Let exam things alone for once. New popular stuff - played much, especially one. Went walking.
May 16, 1911
Hot. Home all day. More walk.
May 17, 1911
May 18, 1911
Harmony at 10. Fun with Mr. Brune. Worked on exam stuff. Concerto good except 2 measures which I forget. "Learn those 2 measures." Tried to practice. "E" ravelled. Walk I guess we must have met the Smiths this night if Tin says we didn't meet them tomorrow night.
May 19, 1911
Went as far as Belmont with Fran to buy strings. Foiled! I came home and my bridge broke!! Mr. S. to fix it. Ill all day. I got Music History crammed into my head instead of concerto. Got in very little practice. More walk as usual. By lake. Brunch. Met Mr. and Mrs. S. [new handwriting, Tin's ? says "This is a LIE"] Why Tinnie! Well then, Tin and I went to a couple of shows at our church. One was good, the other "Amusing."
May 20, 1911
Harmony exam - Final from 9 to 12. Got thru OK. Rained. Tin and I went down for Music History and Harmony. Tin went to Crowls in the rain. I came home. Fran at Aunt Carrie's. Pa and Ma Smith took little Ritie to picture show. Lots of fun.
May 21, 1911
Fran and I went to S.S. Met several nice girls. Fooled. Fran washed hair. Joseph and Jean came. After lunch walked. O - rained off and on all p.m. We went to Clark Street for magazine and candy - got caught. Had to stand under Parenties awning.
May 22, 1911
Lesson 9:30. Cool after rain. Played awfully well. Pleased with concerto. "I don't see how you could do it - to get it so good since Thursday!" "If you get a medal, I will 'kees' you for that!" Wish I could, but - no use in wishing. I'm N.G.
May 23, 1911
Fiddle exam at 9. I was #3 to perform. I was glad. Wretched headache left me wobbly but got along better than expected. Foolish statement: "No I didn't forget. I just came down wrong." O you tomorrow! Fran and I took a walk. jean, Joe and Crystal here. Didn't see Joseph. Why? Wedding cake.
May 24, 1911
Hardest exam at 9. Played concerto. Didn't make any mistakes, but simply ground it out. So glad it was over- came home and rested all day. Tin went to dance with Mr. Snyder. Fran out with Jean, Joe, and Bert. "All Alone." Enjoyed myself nevertheless. Very popular young lady at intervals in the night. Marie?
May 25, 1911
No harmony because of exams. Mr. S. worried to death over exams. He evidently tho't I needed cheering up because I didn't get a medal. Miss Rundle got 3rd. F. Z. here in p.m. Walked - lake, etc.
May 26, 1911
Practiced in a.m. Mrs. S. and I went down town. Planned to go to "Seven Sisters." Too hot. Met Fran by accident on L platform. Walked.
May 27, 1911
Practiced. Tin and I went down at 2. I went out to Harvey. Awful hot. Very nice time. Mac and Mary a little silly - not exactly their fault. Walked till my feet nearly dropped off. Auntie Elliott is dead.
May 28, 1911
While at breakfast Fran phoned. Something here for me and "it" had a suitcase. Came right home and found Dad. After dinner F. had company. Mr. and Mrs. S, Tin,Dad and I went to Riverview. Three of us went on Derby. After lunch, Fran, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and I took in two picture shows. Rained. Tired. Good time anyway.
May 29, 1911
Dad there for lesson. Beastly hard - nearly an hour. We were to go to Waukesha. Dad didn't get thru. Came out for dinner. Sylvia here afterwards. Tried to play. Piano rotten. Fran out to Evanston. Father left at 10.
May 30, 1911
Fran home. Slept while I practiced. After lunch Fran and jean went over on south side. Dressed for Madame Sherry with F. Z. Waited till 8:30 then undressed. He came about 8:35. Felt badly but guess he needed a lesson. Walk - N.G.
May 31, 1911
Went down with Fran - bo't hat for 50 cents! Came home, undressed and got ready to practice. Found broken string. Had to fuss up again and go way up on Belmont. Headache from the sun. Practiced after lunch. F. Z. phoned for a date for Phi Kap dance Saturday p.m. Gorgeous. Went to repetition of Kortschak-Rech recital with Sylvia. Great! She is a perfect dear. Lots of fun.