Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Entries for April 30 and May 1 - 1911 and 2011 (bad people)

TODAY: Around 11:30 Sunday April 30, 2011, President Obama announced that Osama Bin Laden was killed by a special ops unit from the Navy Seals.  May 1st all the news reports were about this.  People were celebrating, but it wasn't long before the conspiracy folks started the doubting.  "Why was his body buried at sea so fast?  Why won't the government show the pictures of the dead body?"  Some say the President made it all up so his ratings would improve.  But I think it is true and one really bad guy is gone.

IN RITA'S DAY: No terrorists.  The most wanted list didn't start until 1949.  Public enemy #1 in 1930.  Unfortunately, it doesn't mean there were no bad guys (and girls).  The picture above is from a bit before Rita.  This man, H.H. Holmes, set up a hotel for the Chicago Exposition in order to have a place to killl people!  Some say he was the first serial killer in modern terms.  And let's not forget the gals. The picture below is of Jane Toppan who said her goal was to kill more people - helpless people - than any other man or woman.  She is joined in this time period by Amy Archer-Gilligan and Bertha Gifford.

Rita's Entry: April 30 and May 1st, 1911
Sunday - Tin and I went to S.S. and church.  After dinner wrote home.  Johnson tribe amused us.  Fran played fourths.  Miss Shining and Miss Ratatge came.  Stayed for lunch.  Mr. S. on a tear.  Much music etc.  Johnsons banged their windows too.
Monday - Lesson at 9:30.  Almost an hour.

Judy's Entry - April 30 and May 1, 2011
Tried to stay up to hear the President, but I once I knew what the announcement was going to be - I went to bed. 
Monday - Elizabeth is spending a few days with us.  Packed her a big lunch.  Mom and I went to singing at Country House.  The residents there really get into it.  Our group is very nice too. 

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