Saturday, Feb 11, 1911 - Lecture at 9:30. Mary C met us at 10:45 for matinee. Pupils recital and then 3rd act of Faust. Dandy. Mrs. S. Helped me fix my geen coat in afternoon. Tired by night. Fran and Mr. Roberts - Floyd Zaring and I went to Reynolds Club Dance at "U" Fine time. Enormous crowd. Disappointed in Mr. R. - rather a stick. F. Z. better.
Sunday, Feb 12, 1911 - Went to Crowls about 10:30. Wrote home on way over. Mrs. C, Ed and Mary perfectly grand to me. After dinner, Ed, Mary and I went to Field Museum. Saw mummies and jewels. Then took long walk all thru U campus. Awfully sloppy and slushy. Had musci and lunch and came home. Ed and Mary took me to car. Dandy day. But too much dissipation is not good for one. Probably won't go any place again for months.
IN RITA'S DAY: As strange as it sounds to us today, some people one hundred years ago had the opinion that packing a lot of activities into a day or weekend wasn't healthy! Still, there were more "amusements" being built. The Field Museum was built to house many of the attractions from the Chicago Exposition of 1893. The museum was named after Marshall Field, the largest contributor.

Judy's Entry: I have gotten way behind on my postings, but will try to catch up doing a few each day. My daughter has really been in a lot of pain with her back and she can't take any pain killers because of the good news. She is expecting a baby in October. So these things are taking over for now!
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