Rita's Entries:
Monday, July 3, 1911
We washed! Rather Mother did. Practiced with Miss S. Some crazy vaudeville star came up and engaged a lesson for next Monday. N.G.
Tuesday, July 4, 1911
Ironed - made salad, etc. Read all P.M. About 6 dressed. Went to Fran's for a while. She is ill - green apples or cherries. Not even a firecracker!
IN RITA'S DAY: A great heat wave was still hitting the U.S. Mostly in the East by July 4th. Reports of 100s of deaths. Of course, 100 years ago the way they looked at deaths was different. If someone drowned swimming (in order to beat the heat), that was recorded as a death caused by the heat. One man took poison because he was confused by being too hot. Another death attributed to the heat wave. But there were plenty of deaths from heat stroke. And rail tracks bent and caused trains to de-rail.
As far as fireworks, they were popular and just as today, there were accidents and some people asking for stronger laws against them.

TODAY: It's amazing that it seems not so much has changed with the fireworks. All are illegal in New York, but starting next year, sparklers and some "fountains" will be legal.
As far as July 4th cards, things have changed from the 1911 postcard. Now there are e-cards like the one above. The cute little dog moves and you can record a message for him to speak.