Saturday, July 2, 2011

Working, Gadding and fashion - June 30, July 2 --- 1911 and 2011

Rita's Entry:
Friday, June 30, 1911
Practiced some.  Gave Hill girl first lesson at 10.  Lots of fun.  Read quite a while.  Too hot to be energetic.  Up town about 5 for orchestra music.  Gadded with Tin and Fran.  Seemed good.  Orchestra didn't come except Roland and Roy.  Imps!  Dad saw Mr. Smith buy strings and asked where we live!  H. B. and I went to Colonial.  I stayed all night there.

daytime gadding outfit from Heilbrunn fashion history -
Saturday, July 1, 1911 - no entry
evening dress

Sunday July 2, 1911
Roy and I played for hymns.  N.G.  Marion over after dinner.  F and F said they had dates.  We didn't believe them.  Gadded.  Finally, Fran and Eq came for us.  Found Ralph W. and Clifford there.  Skinny came.  Had phoned me for date.  Ha!  Played Petite Romanze at church.  Dad met me and we went to McCord's.

IN RITA'S DAY:  Women were starting to wear the more tailored look during the day, but in the evening the dresses were still more flowing and soft looking.  I believe my mother has a couple of dresses Rita wore.  I'll look in her trunk.  Teaching was the occupation most women went into after attending college so it seems as if Rita is starting to build a little business around the Marshalltown Iowa area.  Her friends Tin and Fran (who lived in Chicago with her) are now back home too.  At this point in their lives, women usually married, so the social life is pretty active.  Not getting desperate yet.

TODAY:  Women of Rita's age (19) are just beginning to settle on possible careers.  Most don't know exactly what they want when the start college or even when they graduate college at 21 or 22.  And women in today's world usually have several careers by the time it's all said and done.  Gadding is still in, but now we call it "hanging out."

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