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Highland Park College |
Not only did she attend classes, she gave some lessons and helped out Dean Nagel in his office. Plus she was able to go see President Taft, hear band concerts by the Drake University Band, go to picture shows. So although she "bawled" when she first moved there, she enjoyed all the activity!
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President Taft |
Friday, September 1, 1911: Didn't get up till 9:30. Fooled around & then came over to Esthers. Sorry to see Evelyn leave. She's a dear. After lunch went down town. Visited studio, picture shows, etc. After supper all lay on porch and talked and rested. All in.
Sept. 2: Music a while. Fooled. After lunch went to studio again. Met Dean Nagel and Mr. Evans and Prof. Halwel. Are bound to have me come to H. Park. After E and I went out to Maxeys and got my coat. Evelyn not at home. After supper Esther and I went to Ingersol to concert and rode to phizzer.
Sept. 3: Went to First M E church where Esther has been singing. After dinner lay down - slept and read. Out to H. Park to Dean's house to practice. He and his wife are very nice. Then went to church where Dean played for Esther to sing. Came home before church was out. Esther is a regular dunce... she's really batty. Is she not? (written Sun. 9/3)
Sept 4: Played on fid with 3 strings and no sound post. Much hilarity but little music. Down town - saw part of parade - Labor Day. Lunch with Mrs. P. at cafeteria. Fooled. Saw Mr. Paul. Went to studio and talked with Dean and Prof. Hahnel. Nice men. "To be or not to be??" Came home at 5. Evelyn at train. Met friend of Helen W's - also Luenna Kaffel on train. Gossiped long.
Sept. 5: No entry
Sept. 6: No entry
Sept. 7: No entry
Sept. 8: N [Nevada] and S.C. [State Center]. Came up with bunch of Dago fiddlers etc.: troubadors. Wondered if people tho't I belonged to them. Gave 3 lessons at noon. Tin at State Center.
Sept. 9: Had Mollie and Luella. No one esle came tho' I waited some time.
Sept. 10: Played in Sunday school. Stayed home and read all afternoon. F & F, Tin and Ruth were here in evening. Much music.
Sept. 11: Worked etc. About 3 Mr. Lennox came for Helen W. and me. Fama and I gave a shower for Ruth. Think everyone had a good time. Served nice five o'clock tea. Dad took me to Colonial.
Sept. 12: No entry
Sept. 13: Rosa's party and dinner for Ruth. Hemmed dish towels. Dandy dinner and nice shower. AFterward had theatre party in galbery to see "Girl I Love" Mrs. Leffler and Mrs. Flowers chaperoned. Lots of fun but tired.
Sept. 14: Sewed etc. Read.
Sept 15: Nevada and S. C. again. Last time. No pupils in Nevada. 5 in State Center. Not a bad day.
Sept. 16: Worked etc. Up town with mother. Spent lots of perfectly good cash. Bo't black satin coat and white satin dress. AFter dinner went up with Fran. Dead tired. Read all PM.
Sept. 17: Mother had headache. Did up work. Got stuff ready for dinner. Went to Sunday school and played. Auntie Mac here for dinner. Did up work. Read. F & F here. Ate watermelon and grapes. Played grass and roses for Miss Wellenmeyer for church. I love to play for her. Everyone very nice to me.
Sept. 18: Whole week full of washing, ironing, more ironing, sewing, fitting, mending, packing, running errands, etc. After supper Dad and I went to hear Ralph Mason and Mr. Steckleberg. The latter is fine. Met him afterward and he is dandy. Mr. Hix and Mrs. Morgan said some very nice things to him about me.
Sept. 19: No entry
Sept 20: No entry
Sept. 21: After supper Frances and I went on a tear. Went to Princess and McCords. How I hate to leave her or have her leave me, whichever way you like.
Sept. 22: Fran went to Cedar Falls at noon. Dad and I went to picture show.
Sept. 23: Letter from Mr. Steckleberg asking a favor. Got ready to come to Des Moines. Train an hour late. Mrs. P met me. AFter lunch Esther and I walked down town. Heard practice of "Pinafore." Saw Dean. "Ain't I glad to see you!" Will have first lesson Monday. Played a while after supper.
Sept. 24: Church. Esther sang in Christian church choir. Played and read. Mr. Paul came for us. Church again. Esther sang solo. Mr. P came home with us. Music.
Sept. 25: Esther and I didn't get up until late. Had to go to store for bread. Practiced about hour and a half! Down town for 12:15 lesson. went shopping. Called on Pearl and Evelyn. Took my lesson at 3. Guess its all right. Hope so anyway. Played office girl a while. Quite busy. Flipped pennies with Dean. Won 4. After supper played some - read a little, took a bath.
Sept. 26: Esther and mother away early. Myra to school. Icy cold - rain - horrid day. Practiced, read, etc. Bawled like a regular phool for about an hour. Mrs. P lovely about it. Couldn't help it - but got over it when Esther came. Fooled all day. After supper Esther went to show, Mrs. P and I to a Hahnel quintette concert at Trinity church.
Sept. 27: Practiced etc. Went down with Esther. Stayed thru Pinafore practice and Esther's lesson. Early to bed.
Sept. 28: Practice hard all AM. Esther left early - I went down at 2. Pretty fair lesson. Practiced Pinafore with Esther a little. Came home. Talked with Mrs. P. After supper read while Esther entertained Mr. Paul.
Sept. 29: Out to Highland Park in time for 8:30 lesson with M,E.P. Didn't have to give it. Everyone down to see Taft, so we went too. Met Evelyn and Marie Price. Gadded. Lunch at Olsen's on stools! Saw M.E.P. off to M'town. Marie and Evelyn home with me. All to Evelyn's. Called on Hazel McL. and another girl. Marie and I at Maxey's for supper. Jokes. D U Band concert, picture show. No practice. Wow!
Sept. 30: More rain. Practiced all AM. Big squall at noon. Horrid time. Mr. and Mrs. P dandy to me. Got kind of over it. More practice. About 7 went after Evelyn and Marie. E and I went to party at Lecka's. Met dandy girls. Awfully good time. Home to Maxey's about 12.
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