Saturday, February 26, 2011

Entries for February 13 and 14 -- 1911 and 2011

Rita's Entry: Monday, Feb. 13, 1911
Went down with Fran.  Lesson at 9:30 - almost an hr!  Am I stupid or is he interested in my progress?  Saw Mr. Smith and Dr. Ziegfeld.  Am advised to cram muscial history and take exam in 3 weeks and so get my diploma or certificate in June.  Some work but guess I can do it.  Practiced.  Dlouble solitaire.  Retired at 9.

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1911
Home all day -- waiting for our violets, which didn't come.  Joke!  Practiced much.  Fran home early.  Sang for the man who was putting in the phone.  Double solitaire.

IN RITA'S DAY: Hallmark didn't start until 1910, so flowers were the way to express love on Valentine's day... but not roses like today.  Violets instead.

TODAY:  Valentine’s Day is the second biggest day for Greeting Card companies. Only at Christmas are more cards sold. Every year there are more than $1 billion in Valentine’s Day card sales.
> Single males outnumber single females – 119 to 100, creating a better selection for women in search of love.
> For the first time ever, two major online dating services –LavaLife and eHarmony are making their services free for the entire month of February.

Judy's Entry:  Getting back to rehearsal for singing group... Yorktown Daytimers... we perform at nursing homes.  Today's practice was really good.  Some new members and they are strong singers.  A man came from the local cable station and wants to do something on our group.  Liz got flowers from her husband.  He misses her so much, but since she can't move and needs extra nutrition, she will stay with us for the weekdays.


  1. Good to see you back on the blog.
    And...most of the worlds violets came from the Husdon Valley and one of the biggest growers was Battenfelds in Red Hook, NY. They now grow Christmas trees and hybrid anemomes. The interest in violets faded quickly after WW II.

    History of their farm and violets here:
    We've been cutting our trees there for years.

  2. oops...the link didn't come through. here is is again:
    hope this works.

    if not just try and look under history
