Thursday, March 31, 2011

Entries for March 31 - 1911 and 2011 (potato chips)

Rita's Entry: Friday, March 31, 1911
Home all day.  Read and practiced.  Beautiful box from home.  New gray dress and black skirt - perfect dear of a nightie - cookies, oranges, nuts, 3 boxes stick candy - chips from Granny.  box of candy and dates from H.B. and Mrs. B. - postal cards and paper.

IN RITA'S DAY: Potato chips in the early 1900s were and increasingly popular snack and were packaged in tins like the one above.  According to legend, the chip was invented by African-American/ Native American chef George Crum  Crum was a chef in Saratoga and when a customer complained about the wide, soggy fried potatoes, Crum - as a joke - sliced the potatoes extra thin and fried them extra crisp.  Instead of being upset, the customer loved them!  While a couple of commerical companies existed in 1911, it was too difficult to peel and pack the chips to allow companies to produce enough product to ship very far.  In the 1920s an automatic peeler and the cellophane bags were invented and then the companies I assume Rita got homemade chips made by her Granny.

TODAY: Potato chips are a predominant part of the snack food market in English-speaking countries and numerous other Western nations. The global potato chip market generated total revenues of US$16.4 billion in 2005. This accounted for 35.5% of the total savory snacks market in that year (US$46.1 billion).  There are concerns today about the amounts of fat and artifical ingredients in potato chips and other snack foods.  I am just glad that the FDA is finally looking at the effects artifical coloring can have on children.  Lots of us have thought that for years.

Judy's Entry: Thursday, March 31, 2011
Spent the morning at the Honda dealer getting a check up on my car.  It needed a lot of service since I haven't had anything done for years.  After lunch I made some lemon bars which were advertised as the best, but I'm not impressed.  I'll take a few to MJ tomorrow.  We have a new card so it will be fun. 

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